Thursday, February 23, 2012

Designing a Cleaner Friendly Office Space

In Sydney new office buildings and businesses are sprouting up all the time. If you are starting up in a new office space (or wanting to renovate an old one) it’s essential that the interior of a workspace is designed to be cleaner friendly. It’s important because, as multiple studies have shown, a clean working environment increases productivity, employee morale, reduces the amount of sick days needed and boosts a company’s image.

When considering office cleaning, Sydney has a range of good commercial cleaning companies. Such services can end up being quite expensive and this may hurt small or newly established businesses. However, commercial cleaning doesn’t need to be expensive! There are a number of ways your office space can be designed to be cleaner friendly and reduce cleaning costs.

Below it shall be discussed how certain types of flooring, the organisation and installation of specific office furniture and employee involvement can all help reduce your commercial cleaning bill!

Sensible Flooring

If you have the opportunity to design the interior of your office space, be smart in what kind of flooring material you choose. Of course, sensible flooring will depend primarily on what type of business you are running and the facilities in your office.

If your office is going to cop a lot of wear and tear from employees you may want to have a durable carpet that can withstand the continual scuffing of feet. Also, choose carpet that is dark, has a pattern or is ‘flecked’. This will help reduce the noticeability of any marks or stains on the floor. If you want to splurge a little, invest in stain resistant carpet. Carpet that is designed for heavy use requires less cleaning.

So, avoid thick, soft, light coloured carpets. They will show up marks more often and under heavy use will often begin to deteriorate and contribute to a build-up of loose fibre and dust. Thick woolly carpets can also be a greater harbinger of germs and dirt and will require cleaning more often.

If your office is going to have a small employee lunchroom considering installing tiles or anything with a smooth, flat, shiny surface. If an employee makes a spill or a mess it’s much easier for them to clean and wipe up it up.

By choosing suitable flooring you can reduce how often your floor needs to be cleaned with expensive cleaning products. Your commercial cleaners will also thank you for taking the initiative of having easy to clean floors.

Installing and Organising Office Furniture

If you are running a business that generates a lot of paperwork consider installing filing cabinets and filing trays on employee desks. Getting piles of paper off the ground and the desks makes it much easier for commercial cleaners to vacuum the floor and clean work spaces.

It’s a great idea to place a wastebasket near each desk or workstation. This makes it easier for your employees to dispose of their rubbish and less likely to leave it on the floor or on their table. Reducing the amount time your cleaners have to clean reduces your cleaning expenses.

With the layout of your office, try and avoid squashing everything together. Having a cluttered work environment doesn’t just promote untidy work habits, but it also makes your space much harder to clean. The more nooks and crannies you have, the more you encourage mould to grow, dust to collect and increase the time it takes for cleaners to navigate around everything.

Keep the office layout simple and open promotes a friendly atmosphere and makes it’s easier for cleaners to move around and clean more efficiently.

Educating Your Employees

Another way you can reduce your cleaning bill is by educating your employees in matters of hygiene.

Try and encourage your employees to use the wastebaskets around the office. A lot of commercial cleaning services are always pushed for time and, therefore, having to not pick up after employees makes their job quicker and easier.
Also, with many employees choosing to eat at their desks, try and encourage them to wash their hands after eating, especially before using their keyboards and mouses. This will reduce the amount of times you need commercial cleaners to perform an IT cleaning service.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why use Crystals in the Home?

Kitchen appliances are time saving and necessary for a high functioning modern family however they can also produce low level radiation. All household appliances generate electromagnetic energy, or an electromagnetic field (EMF), that can impact our health and relationships. Correct placement of crystals around the home can absorb the electromagnetic field and re-balance the energy in the living space.

Crystals and Home Appliances

Home devices such as digital cameras, computers, large televisions and kitchen appliances all give off electromagnetic energy and radiation that can be reduced by crystals. This is not to say that Bosch dishwashers, refrigerators and electric juicers are bad for your health, on the contrary, they make life easy and sustain your family.

Crystals and geodes are not only delightful ornaments in the home they can also protect, cleanse and clear the home of negative energy. Much like the ancient practice of Feng Shui, crystal placement through the living space engenders balance, harmony and positive energy.

Kitchen Crystal Tips

  • Clear or smoky quartz can be purchased in clusters or single pieces and can reduce radiation from kitchen appliances.
  • Zeolite is a microporous mineral composed of aluminium, silicone and oxygen. It works in the kitchen to absorb cooking odours.
  • Rose quartz and amethyst are two crystals commonly used to foster balance and harmony. Rose quartz crystal is usually light pink in colour while amethyst ranges from mauve to dark purple. Either one of these can be placed in the dining area to encourage peaceful family meals.

Bedroom Crystal Tips

  • Rose quartz is associated with encouraging romance and a large geode can make a pleasant bedroom ornament.
  • Amethyst is regarded as possessing power to neutralise negativity while you sleep. If you suffer from nightmares or sleep disturbances place a small crystal under the pillow.
  • Place clear quartz on any appliances or power outlets near your bed it will absorb some of the electromagnetic energy.
  • Tiger’s Eye is believed to induce spiritual well-being and be helpful in healing from injury and sickness. Place some close to your body, either on a necklace while you sleep or next to the bed.

Crystals in the living Room

Since the living room is usually the busiest room in the house and a lot of different energy passes through this space a large amethyst geode can generate protection.

  • A large rose quartz geode placed in the lounge room is helpful in aiding communication between loved ones and encourages warm and loving energy.
  • Green fluorite helps remove negative energy from the area.
  • Clear quartz crystals placed on or under the television or entertainment unit absorb electromagnetic energy.

Crystals that reduce Electromagnetic Energy

  • Clear Quartz
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Amethyst ( also a form of Quartz)
  • Citrine (Citrine is a rare form of Quartz. Make sure you are not buying heat treated Amethyst)
  • Fluorite
Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals found in the Earth’s continental crust.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Investing in Luxury Bedding

Whether shopping online or at a local retailer, bedding shop experience provides a showcase of fine luxury fabrics in different colors and patterns from all over the world. Luxury fabrics like Egyptian cotton, high thread count percale or sateen, and smooth silks are sold as single sheets, sheet sets, or bed-in-a-bag sets to fit most any size bed from crib to king. Luxury bed linen is sold out with coordinating pillow shams, comforters and quilts to complete the look. The various parts of the bed which turn it to luxury bedding have been explained.

The duvet was originally created more for warmth than luxury. Eiderdown, which is harvested from Eider Ducks, is what the traditional duvet is stuffed with. Duvets that are still made in the traditional manner, with Eiderdown, are definitely luxurious bedding. The duvet is meant as a substitute for blankets and comforters and, as Eiderdown is not easy to clean, duvets are generally covered with a duvet cover.

Bed sheets are either normal or luxury. The quality of the bed sheets can be measured in different ways. The thread count and thread’s country of origin are important criterion for measuring the quality of bed sheets.

Matelasse is a type of luxury bed linen which means padded in French. When used with luxury bedding, it is a thick, hand quilted luxury bed linen that contains no padding within the garment itself. Although usually made out of 100% cotton, there are other materials that sometimes make their way into Matelass.

The coverlet is used mainly to decorate and is often placed on top of a duvet or other thick covers. Besides being used on a luxury bed, the coverlet is also used as a throw blanket. They are generally quite thin, and are not suitable for keeping warm. Coverlets have been mostly replaced by duvet covers in most luxury bedding ensembles. They can be purchased individually, or as part of a luxury bedding set and is available in a wide variety of designs and patterns.

A luxury bed linen not only gives the bedroom an elegant look but also drastically improves the quality of sleep. Although luxury bed linens may are more expensive than standard linens does not mean an average customer does not invest in it. The fact that most luxury bedding sets last at least 10 years or more, or are even handed down as heirlooms from generation to generation, makes it a worthwhile investment.

The most fashionable luxury bed linens that are available on the market today are sheets which provide sophistication and comfort to the bed. The higher the thread count, the more expensive and luxurious the sheets are considered to be. A complete set of luxury bed linen consists of all of the sheets needed, pillowcases, shams, a dust ruffle and a duvet cover. The best quality bed linens should be bought at a specialty linen store. Luxury bed linens have a wide variety and there are many top manufacturers that have luxury bed linens for sale.