Saturday, May 31, 2008


Who are you? Meg Morrill

Where are you located?
Northern Utah

What do you create?
I create a variety of things, but the staple of my shop is clocks. A little random, I know…

Where do you sell your creations?
I currently sell them exclusively through Etsy -

Where do you create?
I do the dirty stuff (like drilling and painting) outside in my garage. And the detail-work (like assembly) is done in my craft room.

What inspires you?
Everything! I have crafting ADD, so I’m always on the lookout for something new and different to incorporate into my designs.

This little clock is one of my absolute favorites of all time.

Is your Etsy shop a full-time job, part-time job, or hobby? Currently I work on it part-time. However, I hesitate to call it a “job.” I love every minute of it and am hoping to be able to do it full-time in the future.

What role does creativity play in your marketing methods? Well, so far I haven’t had to do much marketing, since the clocks have really been selling themselves. However, one of my favorite “marketing” efforts was joining I would recommend it to those who have not yet.

What do your friends and family think of your creations?
They are all super supportive. Especially my husband, who puts up with living in a house that is overrun with plates, rolls of vinyl, and bubble wrap!

How do you envision your creations being used by your customers?
My whole intent and purpose for creating these clocks and other items, is to provide customers with unexpected and unique décor. I want to help them find that decorating exclamation point they’ve been looking for. It’s about kicking mediocrity to the curb.

For more information please visit





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