Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Paintings! There are so many styles all inspired by nature.

I am sure when man decided to paint on walls like the Egyptians he did not realise the number of different mediums that could be used to portray life!

Each one of us has a painting within us, much the same as a book. There really is creativity within us all - it's knowing how to release it, that is the hard part. How often do you find yourself doodling whilst on the phone, for instance? Or whilst you are waiting etc. Well, that's a form of art, isn't it?

Take a look at some of the following different styles. Each one gives us a glimpse of the artist, their personality and character. Actors bring something of themselves to their parts in much the same way as artists.

Sap Bucket Sunflowers by Yankee Girl


This is an original watercolour painting of beautiful yellow sunflowers in a blue sap bucket hanging from a fence.

Shawnee River
by Mystic Silks

image "Shawnee River" was inspired by a river that flows through the southern part of Ohio. It is near the old camping grounds of the Native American Shawnee Tribe. The evening the artist was there, the river area was so quiet, and yet filled with the spirits of the Shawnee Indian. The sun's setting rays slipped easily through the naked trees that fall had stripped of their summer leaves, and then touched the river's waters with their orange and golden colours.

Picture Yourself in a Boat on the River by Heronkate


"Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies..."

The Great Northwest by TheCreatorsPalette


This painting took inspiration from The Columbia River and a Lewis and Clark campsite.

The Lake District in UK by On a Whimsey


The Lake District in UK is a romantic place; it can be awesome, calm,turbulent, mystical,inspiring - whatever mood you wish. The weather changes at a moment's notice and has caught many a novice walker or climber unawares. Here we have one of the calm, serene moments when you can just draw your breath as your eyes gaze on the landscape.

Sunbathing by VanFleetStreetDesign


The subject of this painting was modelled after a painting that Picasso did of a model lounging on a sofa. It was decided by the artist that it was best suited for a desert scene and the sofa was turned into a rock sofa.

And, so you see that from the examples above, which have all been painted by artists belonging to the Interior Design Team, that inspiration can come from nature but the actual influence of personality and character will always shine through. Thus, making art a very personable medium that would be impossible to accurately replicate.


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