Petrie's Pedestal Chances are good that you have, or have had, a beloved pet. In fact, in the U.S., chances are good that you don't want your pet to be lonely when you're not home, so your pet has a pet. We love our animals almost as much as our relatives; in some cases, more than our relatives. We display pictures of our them on our desks and cubical walls and refrigerators.We give them such great confidence in their looks and lovableness, they often display
themselves for more adoration, as my cat, Petrie, above, demonstrates.
Many of the artists of the Design Style Guide have provided artwork to feed our pet-loving hearts. Click on any link below to see details of the samples below, as well as more of the artist's work.
Mommy's Girl by
Elizabeth Graf
Elizabeth will paint a portrait of your pet, too!
A search on will find more pet artwork, as well as pet-pampering items that your wee furry ones certainly deserve.
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