The Design Style Guide Team continues to grow, and continues to add new ways to showcase and market the handmade home decor items created by team members. This blog entry highlights one of those ways.
From the home page of the
Guide you can begin a search in a particular category and subcategory, in this case "
Paintings & Wall Art" and
"Original Art/Botanical." Now the fun begins! Click on any painting to display the listing details. Near the bottom of the listing, in the center column, you'll find the heading "Other Options." From there you can email the listing, or easily post it to your own blog or web page. The great thing is that you are not just posting an item photo, but also
direct links to the seller's portfolio, web site, and email!
Below are some examples. Keep in mind that these links could also be used by Interior Designers and Decorators, to show various items to their customers, or even to email to themselves for future reference.
If you are a team member who has not yet created listings in the DSG, you are missing a great opportunity to showcase your work. If you are an artisan who is considering joining DSG, you can find detailed
info and pricing here. Our goal is to create a huge catalog of
quality handmade decor items for decorators, designers and stagers. We aim to be their "Go To" source!
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