Saturday, February 27, 2010

The new generation of silk flowers

If about the terms "silk plants" you just think of a plastic sunflower in a corner taking dust , today you will have to completely change your mind .
Now artificial flowers do look like real , thanks to the effort of a team of floral masters who completely reivented the concept of artificial flower .
And this is dued to two upgrades in the concept of producing artificial flowers
1) Now designers use CG in the creative step
2) A new material has replaced both silk and satin , being a fusion of latex and satin.
This new generations of artificial flowers finds its focus on the feeling given in nature by the flower , and emotionally gives a perfect replica of that feeling to finallyshow silk flowers that really give you emotions .
This is expecially clear when you watch the models of artificial orchids of this collections . Being one of the flower more difficult to make with silk , the new material allows the designers to create natural flower which gives the same feelings of fresh orchids.
Another improvement of this new generation is that every artificial flower made with this new material is suitable for use both in indoors and outdoors floral arrangements. Now rain won't be able to ruin the colours of your loved silk flower.
So these artificial flowers now can be used as silk wedding flowers. Now a bouquet made with artificial flowers will look as a natural bouquet made with fresh cut flowers .
White Eagle sillk flowers are available form every artificial flower wholesale of Western Europe and USA in february 2010 .


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