Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Art for the Rest of Us

Image 1: "Tranquility, Spirit, Peace" by Krystyna81
Your home is a statement of yourself, and as you begin to decorate it, you spend a significant amount of time making decisions about every aspect of each room. You agonize over paint chips, pour over furniture types, shapes, styles, compare and contrast between different flooring types. Decorative pillows and throws take week-long decisions that torture you in your sleep. So why are you forgetting the largest surface area of your room, the walls? Do you just want to hang something up there "because it works" or would you like something to truly reflect your personality, your passions?

Image 2: "French Lavender" by FauveStudio
Once a week or so, I'll be writing for this blog about some different ways to spruce up your home through art. Along the journey, I'll try and help educate you, the reader so that when you decide to begin collecting art, you can make an informed decision and pick out a piece of art that you will enjoy for years. To kick things off, I wanted to start out with 5 myths about art collecting. I'll tell you the myths this month, and begin to explain why those myths are false next month. For the time being, here are the myths:

1) Only the rich can afford to collect art

2) You have to go to galleries to collect real art

3) The art world is snobby and intimidating

4) The more expensive art is, the better it is

5) If a critic says the work is good, it must be

Image 3: "Lily Pond" by BS Art Studio
To see other blog articles about this topic, as well as random musings from an artist, you can visit my blog: Sail Away


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